Watch 12:01 online

Can you stream the Science Fiction & Thriller movie 12:01, directed by Jack Sholder & starring Helen Slater, Jonathan Silverman, Martin Landau & Nicolas Surovy on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: 12:01

Barry Thomas is the average office worker. He becomes attracted to Lisa Fredericks who works in the same company. After work, Barry witnesses the murder of Lisa and goes to a bar to get ...

TAGLINE: "Every day at a minute past midnight the sci-fi adventure begins... again."

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Its release date is Monday July 5, 1993

Production details

Director Jack Sholder
Cast Helen Slater, Jonathan Silverman, Martin Landau & Nicolas Surovy
Genre Science Fiction & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1993-07-05
Theme Time Loop & Time Travel
Place setting California
Script Jonathan Heap (television story), Philip Morton (teleplay) & Richard Lupoff (short story 12:01 P.M.)
Cinematography Anghel Decca
Runtime 92 min

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