Watch 18 Presents online

Can you stream the Drama movie 18 Presents, directed by Francesco Amato & starring Benedetta Porcaroli, Edoardo Leo, Sara Lazzaro & Vittoria Puccini on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: 18 Presents

Elisa is only forty when an incurable disease takes her from her husband and their daughter. Before her heart stops, Elisa finds a way to stay close to her: a gift for every birthday up to ...

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Its release date is Thursday January 2, 2020

Production details

Director Francesco Amato
Cast Benedetta Porcaroli, Edoardo Leo, Sara Lazzaro & Vittoria Puccini
Genre Drama
Country of origin Italy
Release date 2020-01-02
Script Alessio Vicenzotto, Davide Lantieri, Francesco Amato & Massimo Gaudioso
Runtime 115 min

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Let Yourself Go | Apr 13th, 2017

Let Yourself Go
6.2/10 | By Francesco Amato
Italy | Comedy
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