Watch Funny People online
Can you stream the Comedy & Drama movie Funny People, directed by Judd Apatow & starring Adam Sandler, Eric Bana, Leslie Mann & Seth Rogen on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Funny People
When seasoned comedian George Simmons learns of his terminal, inoperable health condition, his desire to form a genuine friendship causes him to take a relatively green performer under his wing as his opening act.
TAGLINE: "George Simmons was prepared to die, but then a funny thing happened." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday July 31, 2009
Production details
Director | Judd Apatow |
Cast | Adam Sandler, Eric Bana, Leslie Mann & Seth Rogen |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2009-07-31 |
Theme | Bromance, Cancer, Comedian, Comedians & Stand-up Comedian |
Place setting | Los Angeles, San Francisco & San Francisco Bay Area |
Location | Los Angeles & San Francisco |
Script | Judd Apatow |
Cinematography | Janusz Kamiński |
Music | * |
Costs | $75,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $61,458,982 |
Runtime | 146 min |