Watch Ladder 49 online
Can you stream the Action, Drama & Thriller movie Ladder 49, directed by Jay Russell & starring Jacinda Barrett, Joaquin Phoenix, John Travolta & Robert Patrick on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Ladder 49
A firefighter, injured and trapped in a burning building, has flashbacks of his life as he drifts in and out of consciousness. Meanwhile, fellow firefighters led by the Chief attempt to rescue him.
TAGLINE: "Their greatest challenge lies in rescuing one of their own" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday October 1, 2004
Production details
Director | Jay Russell |
Cast | Jacinda Barrett, Joaquin Phoenix, John Travolta & Robert Patrick |
Genre | Action, Drama & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2004-10-01 |
Theme | Firefighters, Firefighting, Ledge & Practical Joke |
Place setting | Maryland |
Location | Baltimore & Maryland |
Script | Lewis Colick |
Cinematography | James L. Carter |
Music | William Ross (composer) |
Costs | $60,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $74,541,707 |
Runtime | 115 min |