Watch 3000 Miles to Graceland online

Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Comedy movie 3000 Miles to Graceland, directed by Demian Lichtenstein & starring Christian Slater, Courteney Cox, Kevin Costner & Kurt Russell on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: 3000 Miles to Graceland

A gang of ex-cons rob a casino during Elvis convention week.

TAGLINE: "Crime Is King."

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Its release date is Friday February 23, 2001

Production details

Director Demian Lichtenstein
Cast Christian Slater, Courteney Cox, Kevin Costner & Kurt Russell
Genre Action, Adventure & Comedy
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2001-02-23
Theme Abduction, Betrayal, Casino, Elvis, Families, Kidnapping, Mass Murder, Prison, Robbery, Submachine Gun & United States Marshals Service Fiction
Place setting Idaho, Las Vegas Valley & Seattle
Location British Columbia
Script Demian Lichtenstein & Richard Recco
Cinematography David Franco
Music * Richard Meijer
Costs $62,000,000
Box Office Revenue $18,720,175
Runtime 125 min


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