Watch 400 Days online

Can you stream the Mystery, Science Fiction & Thriller movie 400 Days, directed by Matt Osterman & starring Brandon Routh, Caity Lotz, Dane Cook & Tom Cavanagh on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: 400 Days

With their four-hundred-day mission simulation nearing completion, four astronauts begin to feel that something is amiss.

TAGLINE: "Time to Kill"

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Its release date is Thursday October 29, 2015

Production details

Director Matt Osterman
Cast Brandon Routh, Caity Lotz, Dane Cook & Tom Cavanagh
Genre Mystery, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2015-10-29
Theme Astronaut, Astronauts, Experiment, Simulation, Space & Spacecraft
Script Matt Osterman
Cinematography Bo Hakala
Music * Wojciech Golczewski * Sean McMahon
Runtime 91 min


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