Watch 4N1K online

Can you stream the Comedy movie 4N1K, directed by Deniz Coskun & starring Burak Yörük, Gözde Mutluer, Hasan Denizyaran & Sina Özer on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: 4N1K

A romantic comedy centering on the lives of teenagers.

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Its release date is Friday May 12, 2017

Production details

Director Deniz Coskun
Cast Burak Yörük, Gözde Mutluer, Hasan Denizyaran & Sina Özer
Genre Comedy
Country of origin Turkey
Release date 2017-05-12
Theme Comedy, Friendship, Teen Movie, Teenage Romance, Tomboy & Years
Time setting 2017
Script N/A
Runtime 98 min