Watch 54 online
Can you stream the Drama & Music movie 54, directed by Mark Christopher & starring Breckin Meyer, Mike Myers, Ryan Phillippe & Salma Hayek on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: 54
The famous 1970s New York City nightclub seen and told through the eyes of a young employee.
TAGLINE: "You've never been anywhere until you've been here" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday August 28, 1998
Production details
Director | Mark Christopher |
Cast | Breckin Meyer, Mike Myers, Ryan Phillippe & Salma Hayek |
Genre | Drama & Music |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1998-08-28 |
Theme | 1970s, Bartender, Casual Sex, Disco, Drugs, Money, New York, Nightclub & Sex |
Place setting | New Jersey & New York City |
Time setting | 1970s & 1980s |
Script | Mark Christopher |
Cinematography | Alexander Gruszynski |
Music | Marco Beltrami |
Costs | $13,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $16,757,163 |
Runtime | 93 min |