Watch A Man Thing online

Can you stream the movie A Man Thing, directed by Brett Leonard & Slawomir Fabicki & starring Bartosz Idczak, Katarzyna Bargiełowska, Marek Bielecki & Mariusz Jakus on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: A Man Thing

13-year-old Bartek tries desperately to hide the fact that his father beats him. Lonely and with no support from his mother or his school, tyrannised by his soccer coach, the boy finds his only friend in an old dying stray dog.

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Its release date is Monday October 1, 2001

Production details

Director Brett Leonard & Slawomir Fabicki
Cast Bartosz Idczak, Katarzyna Bargiełowska, Marek Bielecki & Mariusz Jakus
Country of origin Poland
Release date 2001-10-01
Theme Magic, Mass Murder Fiction, Missing People, Native Americans, Police Officers & Racism
Location Sydney
Script Slawomir Fabicki
Cinematography Steve Arnold
Music Roger Mason (musician)
Runtime 26 min

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