Watch A Most Wanted Man online

Can you stream the Conspiracy & Thriller movie A Most Wanted Man, directed by Anton Corbijn & starring Daniel Brühl, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rachel McAdams & Robin Wright on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: A Most Wanted Man

A Chechen Muslim illegally immigrates to Hamburg, where he gets caught in the international war on terror.

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Its release date is Friday July 25, 2014

Production details

Director Anton Corbijn
Cast Daniel Brühl, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rachel McAdams & Robin Wright
Genre Conspiracy & Thriller
Country of origin The United States & United Kingdom
Release date 2014-07-25
Theme Illegal Immigration, Immigrant, Intelligence, Muslim, Security, Surveillance, Terror, Terrorism & Torture
Place setting Berlin & Hamburg
Location Hamburg
Script Andrew Bovell (screenplay), John le Carré (novel) & Stephen Cornwell (additional writing)
Cinematography Benoît Delhomme
Music Herbert Grönemeyer
Costs $15,000,000
Box Office Revenue $31,554,855
Runtime 122 min


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Other Anton Corbijn Movies on Amazon Prime

Life | Jul 24th, 2015

8.6/10 | By Anton Corbijn, Roberto Benigni & Terrence Malick
United Kingdom | Drama
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Control | Sep 26th, 2007

7.7/10 | By Anton Corbijn
Japan & United Kingdom | Drama
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes

A Most Wanted Man | Jul 25th, 2014

A Most Wanted Man
6.8/10 | By Anton Corbijn
The United States & United Kingdom | Conspiracy & Thriller
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Tubi TV

Other Conspiracy Thriller Movies on Amazon Prime Video

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Kill The Messenger | Oct 9th, 2014

Kill The Messenger
7.0/10 | By Michael Cuesta
The United States | Based on true events, Conspiracy, Crime, Drama & Thriller
Netflix Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

A Most Wanted Man | Jul 25th, 2014

A Most Wanted Man
6.8/10 | By Anton Corbijn
The United States & United Kingdom | Conspiracy & Thriller
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Tubi TV

Other Anton Corbijn Movies on Hulu

A Most Wanted Man | Jul 25th, 2014

A Most Wanted Man
6.8/10 | By Anton Corbijn
The United States & United Kingdom | Conspiracy & Thriller
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Tubi TV

The American | Aug 31st, 2010

The American
6.3/10 | By Anton Corbijn
The United States & United Kingdom | Crime, Drama & Thriller
Netflix Amazon Video HBO GO Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Fandor Starz

Other Conspiracy Thriller Movies on Hulu

A Most Wanted Man | Jul 25th, 2014

A Most Wanted Man
6.8/10 | By Anton Corbijn
The United States & United Kingdom | Conspiracy & Thriller
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Tubi TV