Watch Aaina online

Can you stream the movie Aaina, directed by K. Balachander & starring A.K. Hangal, Mumtaz, Nirupa Roy & Rajesh Khanna on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Aaina

Retired Ram Shastri is an upper-caste Hindu Brahmin who lives in a small Indian village and has a huge family which consists of his wife, Savitri, five daughters and three sons. In order to...

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Its release date is Friday March 11, 1977

Production details

Director K. Balachander
Cast A.K. Hangal, Mumtaz, Nirupa Roy & Rajesh Khanna
Country of origin India
Release date 1977-03-11
Theme Prostitution India
Script Inder Raj Anand (dialogue), K. Balachander (screenplay) & K. Balachander (story)
Runtime 150 min

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