Watch Ace in the Hole online

Can you stream the Drama movie Ace in the Hole, directed by Billy Wilder & starring Jan Sterling, Kirk Douglas, Porter Hall & Robert Arthur on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Ace in the Hole

A frustrated former big-city journalist now stuck working for an Albuquerque newspaper exploits a story about a man trapped in a cave to rekindle his career, but the situation quickly escalates into an out-of-control circus.

TAGLINE: "Rough, tough Chuck Tatum, who battered his way to the top... trampling everything in his path - men, women and morals !"

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Its release date is Friday June 29, 1951

Production details

Director Billy Wilder
Cast Jan Sterling, Kirk Douglas, Porter Hall & Robert Arthur
Genre Drama
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 1951-06-29
Theme Black And White, Journalism, New Mexico, Noir, Reporter, Rescue, Satire & Sheriff
Script Billy Wilder, Lesser Samuels & Walter Newman
Costs $1,821,052
Box Office Revenue $1,300,000
Runtime 111 min


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