Watch Address Unknown online
Can you stream the Adventure & Family movie Address Unknown, directed by Shawn Levy & starring Corbin Allred, Johna Stewart-Bowden, Kyle Howard & Patrick Renna on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Address Unknown
10 years after their fathers' deaths, two teenagers' tragic common bond leads to friendship and adventure. Determined to uncover what really happened to their fathers, Matt and Tarra must take on two officials who know the shocking truth.
Its release date is Thursday March 20, 1997
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Its release date is Thursday March 20, 1997
Production details
Director | Shawn Levy |
Cast | Corbin Allred, Johna Stewart-Bowden, Kyle Howard & Patrick Renna |
Genre | Adventure & Family |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 1997-03-20 |
Script | David Schneider (story), Drew Daywalt (story) & Nicholas DiBella (story) |
Runtime | 92 min |