Watch Adhe Kangal online
Can you stream the Romance & Thriller movie Adhe Kangal, directed by Rohin Venkatesan & starring Balasaravanan, Janani Iyer, Kalaiyarasan & Sshivada Nair on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Adhe Kangal
What begins as a love triangle morphs into a thriller, following an accident - and an abduction.
Its release date is Thursday January 26, 2017
All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday January 26, 2017
Production details
Director | Rohin Venkatesan |
Cast | Balasaravanan, Janani Iyer, Kalaiyarasan & Sshivada Nair |
Genre | Romance & Thriller |
Country of origin | India |
Release date | 2017-01-26 |
Theme | Blind People India & Con Artists |
Script | Rohin Venkatesan |
Cinematography | Ravivarman Neelamegam |
Music | Ghibran |
Runtime | 120 min |