Watch Adventures of Aladdin online

Can you stream the Adventure movie Adventures of Aladdin, directed by Glenn Campbell & starring Adam Hollick, Americus Abesamis, Daniel O'Reilly & Havon Baraka on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Adventures of Aladdin

With the help of a magical lamp, an impoverished young man transforms himself into a prince in order to win the heart of a beautiful princess.

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Its release date is Tuesday May 14, 2019

Production details

Director Glenn Campbell
Cast Adam Hollick, Americus Abesamis, Daniel O'Reilly & Havon Baraka
Genre Adventure
Release date 2019-05-14
Theme Adventure, Genie, Magical Lamp, Motion Capture & Wish Fulfillment
Place setting Asian Country & Middle East
Location Jordan, London & Surrey
Script Glenn Campbell & Tammy Klein
Runtime 87 min


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