Watch Aerograd online
Can you stream the Drama & Science Fiction movie Aerograd, directed by Aleksandr Dovzhenko & starring Evgeniya Melnikova, Sergei Stolyarov, Stepan Shagaida & Stepan Shkurat on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Aerograd
A Russian outpost in Eastern Siberia comes under threat of attack by the Japanese in this patriotic film from 1935. Aerograd is a new town with a strategically located airfield of vital interest to the government.
Its release date is Wednesday November 6, 1935
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Wednesday November 6, 1935
Production details
Director | Aleksandr Dovzhenko |
Cast | Evgeniya Melnikova, Sergei Stolyarov, Stepan Shagaida & Stepan Shkurat |
Genre | Drama & Science Fiction |
Country of origin | Russia |
Release date | 1935-11-06 |
Script | Aleksandr Dovzhenko & N. Simonov |
Cinematography | Harry Neumann & Nikolai Smirnov (cinematographer) |
Music | Dmitri Borisovich Kabalevsky |
Runtime | 82 min |