Watch Alberto and the Concrete Jungle online
Can you stream the Adventure, Comedy & Drama movie Alberto and the Concrete Jungle, directed by Chris Shimojima & starring Alejandro Santoni, Julia Voshell, Rami Margron & Sonia Couling on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Alberto and the Concrete Jungle
Alberto Buenaventura is that increasingly common breed - a digital nomad living on the road, unattached. But not much else is common about him. He's not only a successful photojournalist; he befriends strangers and gets involved in u
Its release date is Wednesday October 21, 2020
All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday October 21, 2020
Production details
Director | Chris Shimojima |
Cast | Alejandro Santoni, Julia Voshell, Rami Margron & Sonia Couling |
Genre | Adventure, Comedy & Drama |
Release date | 2020-10-21 |
Theme | Interview, Journalism, Journalist, New York, New York City, New York Subway, Social media & Traveler |
Script | Chris Shimojima |
Costs | $100,000 |
Runtime | 99 min |