Watch America’s Sweethearts online

Can you stream the Comedy & Romance movie America’s Sweethearts, directed by Joe Roth & starring Billy Crystal, Catherine Zeta-Jones, John Cusack & Julia Roberts on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: America’s Sweethearts

A movie publicist deals with the messy public split of his movie's co-stars while keeping reporters at bay while a reclusive director holds the film's print hostage.

TAGLINE: "Hollywood's hottest couple just split up. It'll take more than special effects to reunite them."

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Its release date is Tuesday July 17, 2001

Production details

Director Joe Roth
Cast Billy Crystal, Catherine Zeta-Jones, John Cusack & Julia Roberts
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2001-07-17
Theme Actors, Fictitious Marriage, Marriage Crisis, Married Couple, Movie Business & Wife Husband Relationship
Place setting California, Los Angeles & Nevada
Location California, Las Vegas Valley & Nevada
Script Billy Crystal & Peter Tolan
Cinematography Phedon Papamichael Jr.
Music James Newton Howard
Box Office Revenue $138,191,428
Runtime 102 min


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