Watch Amrapali online

Can you stream the movie Amrapali, directed by Lekh Tandon & starring on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Amrapali

His hunger for conquest not satiated, even after repeated victories, Samrat Ajaatshatru of Magadh would like to continue on his winning spree, as the only unconquered city is that of ...

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Its release date is Saturday January 1, 1966

Production details

Director Lekh Tandon
Release date 1966-01-01
Theme Buddhism, Maurya Empire & Women India
Place setting Ancient India & Bihar
Script Arjun Dev Rashk (dialogue), Balbir Singh (additional dialogue), Omkar Sahib (screenplay) & Omkar Sahib (story)
Cinematography Dwarka Divecha
Music Shankar Jaikishan
Runtime 119 min

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