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Can you stream the Action & Science Fiction movie Andron, directed by Francesco Cinquemani & starring Alec Baldwin, Danny Glover, Gale Harold & Michelle Ryan on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Andron

A group of people are plunged into a dark, claustrophobic maze, where they must fight to survive, as the outside world watches.

TAGLINE: "Only one survives"

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Its release date is Sunday November 8, 2015

Production details

Director Francesco Cinquemani
Cast Alec Baldwin, Danny Glover, Gale Harold & Michelle Ryan
Genre Action & Science Fiction
Country of origin Italy
Release date 2015-11-08
Theme Claustrophobic, Labyrinth & Maze
Script Francesco Cinquemani
Cinematography Gherardo Gossi
Music Riccardo Eberspacher
Runtime 100 min
Homepage Andron Homepage


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The Poison Rose | May 23rd, 2019

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