Watch Apache online
Can you stream the Action & Western movie Apache, directed by Robert Aldrich & starring Burt Lancaster, Charles Bronson, Jean Peters & John McIntire on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Apache
Refusing to let himself be re-settled on a Florida reservation, Massai, an Apache warrior, escapes his captors and returns to his homeland to become a peaceful farmer.
TAGLINE: "Unconquerable!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday July 9, 1954
Production details
Director | Robert Aldrich |
Cast | Burt Lancaster, Charles Bronson, Jean Peters & John McIntire |
Genre | Action & Western |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 1954-07-09 |
Theme | American Indian, American Indians, Apache, Geronimo & Native Americans |
Script | James R. Webb (written for the screen by) & Paul Wellman (novel) |
Runtime | 91 min |