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Can you stream the Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie Arc, directed by Robert Ethan Gunnerson & starring Ann Cusack, Jonah Blechman, Ken Howard & Peter Facinelli on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Arc
A disgraced LAPD detective embarks on a quest to redeem his integrity by finding a missing child.
Its release date is Friday October 20, 2006
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Its release date is Friday October 20, 2006
Production details
Director | Robert Ethan Gunnerson |
Cast | Ann Cusack, Jonah Blechman, Ken Howard & Peter Facinelli |
Genre | Drama, Mystery & Thriller |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 2006-10-20 |
Theme | Joan Of Arc |
Time setting | 1430s |
Script | Robert Ethan Gunnerson |
Costs | $650,000 |
Runtime | 113 min |