Watch Audax online
Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Science Fiction movie Audax, directed by Andrew St Maur & starring Alessandra Munez, James George Ford, Katie Burgess & Vin Hawke on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Audax
A shamed ex-freighter captain takes one last shot at redemption, only to find he is a puppet for a grander scheme.
TAGLINE: "Welcome aboard" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday November 28, 2014
Production details
Director | Andrew St Maur |
Cast | Alessandra Munez, James George Ford, Katie Burgess & Vin Hawke |
Genre | Action, Adventure & Science Fiction |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Release date | 2014-11-28 |
Theme | Evil Corporation, Future, Space & Spacecraft |
Script | Liam Swann & Owen Ward (screenplay) |
Costs | $13,000 |
Runtime | 90 min |
Homepage | Audax Homepage |