Watch Autumnal Sleeps online

Can you stream the movie Autumnal Sleeps on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Autumnal Sleeps

In a remote rural estate house, a woman sleeps, she is alone. It’s a time not far from the dawn of the moving image, the obsessed and wealthy Dr. Epstein engineers a number of scientific experiments. He subjects his adopted children, Pete and Re-Pete, along with his darling flapper, Baby Dee, to his various scientific tasks. Things take a decidedly strange turn when Epstein makes a deal with some shifty-looking vagabonds. On doing so he opens a door to the unknown, ruptures the fabric of time and unleashes a shadow-like character bent on reducing all those he encounters to dust.

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Its release date is Friday December 6, 2019

Production details

Cast Alain Servant, Ambra Gatto Bergamasco, Henrik Gard & Natasha Everitt
Country of origin Ireland
Release date 2019-12-06
Place setting Northern European Country & Scandinavia
