Watch Bad Boy Bubby online
Can you stream the Crime & Drama movie Bad Boy Bubby, directed by Rolf de Heer & starring Claire Benito, Nicholas Hope, Ralph Cotterill & Syd Brisbane on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Bad Boy Bubby
Bubby has spent thirty years trapped in the same small room, tricked by his mother. One day, he manages to escape, and, deranged and naive in equal measures, his adventure into the modern and nihilistic life begins.
TAGLINE: "All He Needs Is Love." All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday September 1, 1993
Production details
Director | Rolf de Heer |
Cast | Claire Benito, Nicholas Hope, Ralph Cotterill & Syd Brisbane |
Genre | Crime & Drama |
Country of origin | Australia & Italy |
Release date | 1993-09-01 |
Theme | Buxom, Cat, Cruelty To Animals Fiction, Gas Mask, Groping, Incest, Nurse & Torture |
Place setting | South Australia |
Location | Adelaide |
Script | Rolf de Heer |
Cinematography | Ian Jones |
Music | Graham Tardif |
Costs | $750,000 |
Runtime | 114 min |