Watch Battle Angel online

Can you stream the Action, Animation & Science Fiction movie Battle Angel, directed by Hiroshi Fukutomi & starring Kappei Yamaguchi, Mami Koyama, Miki Itou & Shunsuke Kariya on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Battle Angel

In a distant future, a the young cyborg Gally is found on a scrapheap by the Cyberdoctor Daisuke Ido, who rebuilds her and becomes her surrogate father.

TAGLINE: "Hunter Warrior"

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Its release date is Monday June 21, 1993

Production details

Director Hiroshi Fukutomi
Cast Kappei Yamaguchi, Mami Koyama, Miki Itou & Shunsuke Kariya
Genre Action, Animation & Science Fiction
Country of origin Japan
Release date 1993-06-21
Theme Amnesia, Bounty hunter, Cyberpunk, Cyborg, Dystopia, Female Cyborg, Motion Capture, Robot, Transhumanism & Transhumanism Fiction
Time setting 26th Century
Location Austin, Texas
Script Akinori Endô & Yukito Kishiro (comic)
Runtime 54 min


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