Watch Beau Travail online
Can you stream the Drama movie Beau Travail, directed by Claire Denis & starring Denis Lavant, Grégoire Colin, Michel Subor & Richard Courcet on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Beau Travail
This film focuses on an ex-Foreign Legion officer as he recalls his once glorious life, leading troops in Africa.
TAGLINE: "Maybe freedom begins with remorse." All streaming services available
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Its release date is Wednesday May 3, 2000
Production details
Director | Claire Denis |
Cast | Denis Lavant, Grégoire Colin, Michel Subor & Richard Courcet |
Genre | Drama |
Country of origin | France |
Release date | 2000-05-03 |
Theme | Dance, Djibouti, Foreign Legion, French Foreign Legion Popular Culture, Masculinity, Officer, Power Play & Woman Director |
Place setting | Djibouti & France |
Script | Claire Denis, Herman Melville (story "Billy Budd, Jean-Pol Fargeau & Sailor") |
Cinematography | Agnès Godard |
Music | Charles Henri de Pierrefeu and Benjamin Britten |
Runtime | 92 min |