Watch Belle’s Magical World online

Can you stream the Animation & Family movie Belle’s Magical World, directed by Barbara Dourmashkin, Bob Kline, Burt Medall, Cullen Blaine, Dale Case, Daniel de la Vega, Mitch Rochon & Rick Leon & starring David Ogden Stiers, Jerry Orbach, Paige O'Hara & Robby Benson on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Belle’s Magical World

A Continuance to Beauty and the Beast, suitably teaches children to forgive, love, and be kind to one another.

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Its release date is Tuesday February 17, 1998

Production details

Director Barbara Dourmashkin, Bob Kline, Burt Medall, Cullen Blaine, Dale Case, Daniel de la Vega, Mitch Rochon & Rick Leon
Cast David Ogden Stiers, Jerry Orbach, Paige O'Hara & Robby Benson
Genre Animation & Family
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1998-02-17
Theme Animals, Animated Birds, Birds, Books, Friendship, Infidelity, Magic, Princess & Teamwork
Place setting Country Houses & France
Script Alice Brown, Carter Crocker, Chip Hand (story), Nancy Greystone, Richard Cray & Sheree Guitar
Cinematography Ninky Smedley
Music Harvey Cohen
Runtime 92 min


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