Watch Beyond the Black Rainbow online
Can you stream the Fantasy, Horror & Science Fiction movie Beyond the Black Rainbow, directed by Panos Cosmatos & starring Eva Bourne, Marilyn Norry, Michael Rogers & Scott Hylands on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Beyond the Black Rainbow
Despite being under heavy sedation, a young woman tries to make her way out of the Arboria Institute, a secluded, quasifuturistic commune.
TAGLINE: "Beyond Science. Beyond Sanity. Beyond Control." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday December 3, 2010
Production details
Director | Panos Cosmatos |
Cast | Eva Bourne, Marilyn Norry, Michael Rogers & Scott Hylands |
Genre | Fantasy, Horror & Science Fiction |
Country of origin | Canada |
Release date | 2010-12-03 |
Theme | Aftercreditsstinger, Captive, Commune, Drugged, Mad Doctor & Suspense |
Time setting | 1966 & 1983 |
Location | Vancouver |
Script | Panos Cosmatos |
Cinematography | Norm Li |
Music | Sinoia Caves |
Costs | $1,100,000 |
Runtime | 110 min |