Watch Blackway online

Can you stream the Thriller movie Blackway, directed by Daniel Alfredson & starring Alexander Ludwig, Anthony Hopkins, Julia Stiles & Ray Liotta on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Blackway

An ex-logger comes to the aid of a woman who returns to her hometown in the Pacific Northwest and finds herself harassed and stalked by a former cop turned crime lord.

TAGLINE: "Sometimes revenge is the only answer."

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Its release date is Saturday October 3, 2015

Production details

Director Daniel Alfredson
Cast Alexander Ludwig, Anthony Hopkins, Julia Stiles & Ray Liotta
Genre Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2015-10-03
Theme Logging, Murder, Revenge & Stalker
Location British Columbia
Script Castle Freeman Jr. (based on the book by), Gregory Jacobs (screenplay by) & Joe Gangemi (screenplay by)
Cinematography Rasmus Videbæk
Music Anders Niska
Costs $8,000,000
Box Office Revenue $16,458
Runtime 90 min


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Fire with Fire | Aug 31st, 2012

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Intrigo: Samaria
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