Watch Blame online

Can you stream the Thriller movie Blame, directed by Michael Henry & starring Damian de Montemas, Kestie Morassi, Simon Stone & Sophie Lowe on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Blame

A group of young vigilantes seeking revenge for a sexual betrayal fall far from grace. When the truth is out they find themselves on the dark side of justice.

TAGLINE: "To get away with murder you can't make mistakes."

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Its release date is Sunday September 12, 2010

Production details

Director Michael Henry
Cast Damian de Montemas, Kestie Morassi, Simon Stone & Sophie Lowe
Genre Thriller
Country of origin Australia
Release date 2010-09-12
Theme Terrorism
Place setting Australia & Future
Location Australia
Script Michael Henry
Cinematography Torstein Dyrting
Music Tamil Rogeon & Yugo Kanno
Runtime 89 min


Other Michael Henry Movies on Amazon Prime

Blame | Sep 12th, 2010

5.7/10 | By Michael Henry
Australia | Thriller
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