Watch Bliss online

Can you stream the Drama movie Bliss, directed by Henrika Kull & starring Eva Collé, Jean-Luc Bubert, Katharina Behrens & Nele Kayenberg on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Bliss

In a world where their femininity is considered a commodity, two sex workers fall in love with each other. Together - and yet each on her own - they experience the one moment when happiness...

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Its release date is Monday March 1, 2021

Production details

Director Henrika Kull
Cast Eva Collé, Jean-Luc Bubert, Katharina Behrens & Nele Kayenberg
Genre Drama
Country of origin Germany
Release date 2021-03-01
Theme Simulated Reality
Location Croatia & Los Angeles
Script Henrika Kull
Runtime N/A