Watch Blondie Brings Up Baby online
Can you stream the Comedy movie Blondie Brings Up Baby, directed by Frank R. Strayer & starring Arthur Lake, Danny Mummert, Larry Simms & Penny Singleton on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Blondie Brings Up Baby
A salesman convinces Blondie that Baby Dumpling is a budding genius, so the Bumsteads enroll him in a special school from which he disappears.
Its release date is Wednesday November 8, 1939
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Its release date is Wednesday November 8, 1939
Production details
Director | Frank R. Strayer |
Cast | Arthur Lake, Danny Mummert, Larry Simms & Penny Singleton |
Genre | Comedy |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 1939-11-08 |
Theme | Dog & Hundephobie |
Script | Chic Young (based upon the comic strip created by), Gladys Lehman (screenplay), Karen DeWolf (story), Richard Flournoy (screenplay) & Robert Chapin (story) |
Runtime | 68 min |
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The Monster Walks | Feb 10th, 1932
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Condemned to Live | Sep 15th, 1935
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