Watch Bloody Beach online

Can you stream the Crime, Horror & Mystery movie Bloody Beach, directed by In Soo Kim & Kim In soo & starring Kim Hyun-Jung, Lee Jung-Jin, Lee Seung-chae & Yang Dong-geun on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Bloody Beach

A group of chat room buddies decide to meet together in reality on the beach for some fun in the sun. However, their vacation transforms into a nightmare as each person except Nam-kyeong (...

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Its release date is Saturday August 12, 2000

Production details

Director In Soo Kim & Kim In soo
Cast Kim Hyun-Jung, Lee Jung-Jin, Lee Seung-chae & Yang Dong-geun
Genre Crime, Horror & Mystery
Release date 2000-08-12
Script Hae-won Shim, Jin-soo Noh, Kwang-soo Son, Mi-young Park & Seung-jae Baek
Cinematography Kim Yoon soo
Music Jo Yeong wook
Runtime 91 min

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