Watch Bluebeard online
Can you stream the Drama, Fantasy & Horror movie Bluebeard, directed by Georges Méliès & Lee Soo yeon & starring Bleuette Bernon, Georges Méliès & Jeanne d'Alcy on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Bluebeard
A young woman becomes the eighth wife of the wealthy Bluebeard, whose first seven wives have died under mysterious circumstances.
Its release date is Tuesday January 1, 1901
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Its release date is Tuesday January 1, 1901
Production details
Director | Georges Méliès & Lee Soo yeon |
Cast | Bleuette Bernon, Georges Méliès & Jeanne d'Alcy |
Genre | Drama, Fantasy & Horror |
Country of origin | France |
Release date | 1901-01-01 |
Theme | Based On Fairy Tale, Silent Film & Trick Film |
Script | Charles Perrault (fairy tale) & Georges Méliès (adaptation) |
Cinematography | Uhm Hye jung |
Runtime | 12 min |