Watch Caged Heat online
Can you stream the Action movie Caged Heat, directed by Jonathan Demme & starring Ella Reid, Erica Gavin, Juanita Brown & Roberta Collins on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Caged Heat
In a women's prison, a group of inmates band together to combat the repressive and abusive policies of the warden.
TAGLINE: "Women's prison U.S.A. - Rape Riot and Revenge! White Hot Desires melting cold prison steel!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday April 19, 1974
Production details
Director | Jonathan Demme |
Cast | Ella Reid, Erica Gavin, Juanita Brown & Roberta Collins |
Genre | Action |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1974-04-19 |
Theme | Dream, Drug Bust, Gas Station, Rape, Women In Prison & Women's Prison |
Script | Jonathan Demme |
Cinematography | Tak Fujimoto |
Music | John Cale |
Costs | $180,000 |
Runtime | 83 min |