Watch Camp Takota online

Can you stream the Comedy movie Camp Takota, directed by Chris Riedell & Nick Riedell & starring Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart, Mamrie Hart & Olivia Alexander on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Camp Takota

With her personal and professional life in shambles, Elise ends up having to take a job as a counselor at her old summer camp. There, she reunites with two estranged friends who attended ...

TAGLINE: "You're never too old to go back"

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Its release date is Friday February 14, 2014

Production details

Director Chris Riedell & Nick Riedell
Cast Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart, Mamrie Hart & Olivia Alexander
Genre Comedy
Release date 2014-02-14
Theme Childhood Friends, Summer Camp & Summer Camps
Script Lydia Genner (screenplay), Mamrie Hart (screenplay), Mamrie Hart (story) & Michael Goldfine (story)
Runtime 95 min
Homepage Camp Takota Homepage


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