Watch Carnal Knowledge online
Can you stream the Drama movie Carnal Knowledge, directed by Mike Nichols & starring Ann-Margret Olsson, Art Garfunkel, Candice Bergen & Jack Nicholson on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Carnal Knowledge
Chronicling the lifelong sexual development of two men who meet and befriend one another in college.
TAGLINE: "Everyone needs to be loved - sometime or another." All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday June 30, 1971
Production details
Director | Mike Nichols |
Cast | Ann-Margret Olsson, Art Garfunkel, Candice Bergen & Jack Nicholson |
Genre | Drama |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 1971-06-30 |
Theme | Friends, Obscenity Controversies & Sexual Confusion |
Place setting | Massachusetts, New York City & Universities Colleges |
Time setting | 1940s, 1950s & 1970s |
Script | Jules Feiffer |
Box Office Revenue | $28,623,900 |
Runtime | 98 min |