Watch Carnosaur online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Carnosaur, directed by Adam Simon & Darren Moloney & starring Diane Ladd, Harrison Page, Jennifer Runyon & Raphael Sbarge on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Carnosaur

A genetically manipulated and very hungry dinosaur escapes from a bioengineering company and reeks havoc on the local desert town. A security guard and a girl environmentalist try to stop both it and the company's doomsday bioweapon.

TAGLINE: "Driven to extinction. Back for revenge."

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Its release date is Friday May 21, 1993

Production details

Director Adam Simon & Darren Moloney
Cast Diane Ladd, Harrison Page, Jennifer Runyon & Raphael Sbarge
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1993-05-21
Theme Credit Rolling Down, Dinosaur, Genetic Engineering Fiction, Gore & Vegetarian
Script Adam Simon (screenplay), John Brosnan (novel) & John Brosnan (treatment)
Cinematography Keith Holland
Music Nigel Holton
Costs $1,000,000
Box Office Revenue $1,753,979
Runtime 83 min


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