Watch Carny online

Can you stream the Drama movie Carny, directed by Robert Kaylor & starring Gary Busey, Jodie Foster, Meg Foster & Robbie Robertson on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Carny

Tired of her dull job as a waitress, Donna decides to join two carnival hustlers and see what life in their field is like.

TAGLINE: "When you're young and going nowhere... the Carny looks like a good way out."

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Its release date is Friday May 23, 1980

Production details

Director Robert Kaylor
Cast Gary Busey, Jodie Foster, Meg Foster & Robbie Robertson
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1980-05-23
Theme Carnival, Games, Hustler, Travel & Waitress
Script Phoebe Kaylor (story), Robbie Robertson (story), Robert Kaylor (story) & Thomas Baum (screenplay)
Cinematography Harry Stradling Jr.
Music Alex North
Runtime 107 min


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