Watch Cast Away online
Can you stream the Adventure & Drama movie Cast Away, directed by Robert Zemeckis & starring Chris Noth, Helen Hunt, Paul Sanchez & Tom Hanks on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Cast Away
A FedEx executive must transform himself physically and emotionally to survive a crash landing on a deserted island.
TAGLINE: "At the edge of the world, his journey begins." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday December 22, 2000
Production details
Director | Robert Zemeckis |
Cast | Chris Noth, Helen Hunt, Paul Sanchez & Tom Hanks |
Genre | Adventure & Drama |
Country of origin | Russia & The United States |
Release date | 2000-12-22 |
Theme | Airplane Crash, Aviation Accidents Or Incidents, Deserted island, Exotic Island, Loneliness, Solitude, Suicide Attempt, Survival Skills, Tropical Island & Volleyball |
Time setting | 1999 |
Location | Fiji, Los Angeles, Russia & Texas |
Script | William Broyles Jr. |
Cinematography | Don Burgess (cinematographer) |
Music | Alan Silvestri |
Costs | $90,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $429,632,142 |
Runtime | 143 min |