Watch Centauro online
Can you stream the Action, Crime & Thriller movie Centauro, directed by Daniel Calparsoro & starring Àlex Monner, Begona Vargas, Carlos Bardem & Sebastian Ciontescu on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Centauro
Rafa's hooked on the pure, fiery feelings he gets from speed racing, but when his kid's mom gets mixed up with drug dealers, he burns rubber to save her.
Its release date is Wednesday June 15, 2022
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Its release date is Wednesday June 15, 2022
Production details
Director | Daniel Calparsoro |
Cast | Àlex Monner, Begona Vargas, Carlos Bardem & Sebastian Ciontescu |
Genre | Action, Crime & Thriller |
Release date | 2022-06-15 |
Script | Guillaume Lemans, Jérémie Guez & Yann Gozlan |
Runtime | 89 min |
Homepage | Centauro Homepage |