Watch Channels online
Can you stream the Drama & Romance movie Channels, directed by Nat Christian & starring Ed Asner, John Kassir, Kimberly Oja & Nat Christian on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Channels
A writer/producer is about to make a big career jump and has a lot of activity going on in his life. But, emotionally, he's dead. Through a fantastical event, he meets someone. They fall in...
TAGLINE: "Do you dare to dream of happiness?" All streaming services available
Its release date is Tuesday January 1, 2008
Production details
Director | Nat Christian |
Cast | Ed Asner, John Kassir, Kimberly Oja & Nat Christian |
Genre | Drama & Romance |
Release date | 2008-01-01 |
Theme | Independent Film |
Script | Nat Christian |
Runtime | 107 min |