Watch Charlie Chan in Murder over New York online
Can you stream the Crime, Drama & Mystery movie Charlie Chan in Murder over New York, directed by Harry Lachman & starring Marjorie Weaver, Ricardo Cortez, Robert Lowery & Sidney Toler on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Charlie Chan in Murder over New York
When Charlie's old friend from Scotland Yard is murdered when they attend a police convention in New York, Chan picks up the case he was working on.
Its release date is Friday December 13, 1940
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Friday December 13, 1940
Production details
Director | Harry Lachman |
Cast | Marjorie Weaver, Ricardo Cortez, Robert Lowery & Sidney Toler |
Genre | Crime, Drama & Mystery |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1940-12-13 |
Theme | Charlie Chan |
Place setting | New York (state) |
Script | Earl Derr Biggers (based on: the character "Charlie Chan" created by) & Lester Ziffren (original screen play) |
Cinematography | Virgil Miller |
Music | Emil Newman |
Runtime | 65 min |