Watch Charlie Chan in Paris online
Can you stream the Comedy, Crime & Drama movie Charlie Chan in Paris, directed by Hamilton MacFadden & Lewis Seiler & starring John Miljan, Mary Brian, Thomas Beck & Warner Oland on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Charlie Chan in Paris
Hired to investigate forged bonds, Charlie is thwarted by the murder of his undercover agent, but the arrival of son Lee helps him uncover the true culprits.
Its release date is Monday January 21, 1935
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Monday January 21, 1935
Production details
Director | Hamilton MacFadden & Lewis Seiler |
Cast | John Miljan, Mary Brian, Thomas Beck & Warner Oland |
Genre | Comedy, Crime & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1935-01-21 |
Theme | Charlie Chan |
Place setting | Paris |
Script | Earl Derr Biggers (based on: the character "Charlie Chan" created by), Edward T. Lowe Jr. (screen play), Philip MacDonald (story) & Stuart Anthony (screen play) |
Cinematography | Daniel B. Clark & Ernest Palmer (American cinematographer) |
Music | Samuel Kaylin |
Runtime | 72 min |