Watch Chhota Bheem & Krishna in Mayanagari online
Can you stream the Animation & TV Movie movie Chhota Bheem & Krishna in Mayanagari on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Chhota Bheem & Krishna in Mayanagari
Bheem and his Friends are having a great time in Dwarka with their friend Kanha.Mayandri tries to attack Kanha with some leopards but fails as Kanha fights them off with ease.Bheem gets injured and his friend Krishna offers to heal up his injury and just before the Dholakpurians leave Krishna offers some gifts to them.Bheem gets a pendant,Chutki gets a stylish ring,Raju gets a catapult and Jaggu got a compass whereas Kalia got a powder for when he blows on anyone can hear what they are thinking and Dholu and Bholu got a box in which they could ask for anything they want in food.Bheem suddenly feels it was time for everyone to go back to Dholakpur and they board their ship and bid farewell to Krishna their beloved friend.
TAGLINE: "Chhota Bheem aur Krishna" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday September 2, 2011
Production details
Cast | Chhota Bheem, Chutki & Krishna |
Genre | Animation & TV Movie |
Country of origin | India |
Release date | 2011-09-02 |
Theme | Kids |
Place setting | China, Nepal & Pakistan |
Location | China & India |
Homepage | Chhota Bheem & Krishna in Mayanagari Homepage |