Watch Child Murders online
Can you stream the Drama movie Child Murders, directed by Bruce Sinofsky, Ildikó Szabó & Joe Berlinger & starring Barnabás Tóth, Dóra Köves, Ilona Kállay & Mari Balogh on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Child Murders
A horrific triple child murder leads to an indictment and trial of three nonconformist boys based on questionable evidence.
Its release date is Friday April 30, 1993
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Its release date is Friday April 30, 1993
Production details
Director | Bruce Sinofsky, Ildikó Szabó & Joe Berlinger |
Cast | Barnabás Tóth, Dóra Köves, Ilona Kállay & Mari Balogh |
Genre | Drama |
Country of origin | Hungary |
Release date | 1993-04-30 |
Theme | Documentary Crime United States & Miscarriage Of Justice |
Place setting | Arkansas |
Script | Ildikó Szabó & N/A |
Music | Metallica |
Runtime | 150 min |