Watch Chilsu and Mansu online
Can you stream the Comedy & Drama movie Chilsu and Mansu, directed by Kwang-su Park & starring Ahn Sung-Ki, Bae Jong-ok, Choi In-seok & Park Joong-hoon on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Chilsu and Mansu
A painter quits his job and looks to an old acquaintance for work and a place to stay.
Its release date is Wednesday November 16, 1988
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Wednesday November 16, 1988
Production details
Director | Kwang-su Park |
Cast | Ahn Sung-Ki, Bae Jong-ok, Choi In-seok & Park Joong-hoon |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Country of origin | South Korea |
Release date | 1988-11-16 |
Theme | Painter & Quitting A Job |
Place setting | Seoul |
Script | In-seok Choi, Sang-hak Chi & Sang-woo Lee |
Cinematography | You Young gil |
Music | Kim Soo chul |
Runtime | 109 min |