Watch Class Reunion online
Can you stream the Comedy & Horror movie Class Reunion, directed by Michael Miller & starring Fred McCarren, Gerrit Graham, Miriam Flynn & Stephen Furst on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Class Reunion
Lizzie Borden High's class of 1972 are going through the motions at their tenth-year reunion, until deranged alum Walter Baylor, driven insane by a sadistic senior-year prank, escapes from ...
TAGLINE: "No class has less class than this class" All streaming services available
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Its release date is Friday October 29, 1982
Production details
Director | Michael Miller |
Cast | Fred McCarren, Gerrit Graham, Miriam Flynn & Stephen Furst |
Genre | Comedy & Horror |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1982-10-29 |
Theme | Class Reunions Popular Culture |
Script | John Hughes |
Cinematography | Philip Lathrop |
Music | Peter Bernstein (composer) |
Runtime | 84 min |