Watch Claustrofobia online

Can you stream the Thriller movie Claustrofobia, directed by Bobby Boermans & starring Carolien Spoor, Dragan Bakema, Frits Lambrechts & Thijs Römer on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Claustrofobia

When Eva opens her eyes the young girl finds herself chained terrified for being abused. Her fears become reality in a way no one could ever imagine.

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Its release date is Tuesday May 24, 2011

Production details

Director Bobby Boermans
Cast Carolien Spoor, Dragan Bakema, Frits Lambrechts & Thijs Römer
Genre Thriller
Country of origin The Netherlands
Release date 2011-05-24
Theme Captive Woman, Dissection & Kidnapping
Script Robert A. Jansen
Runtime 94 min
